Cosmetic Bonding Procedures use a tooth-colored, resin-based material to bond to the tooth, replacing small defects, and covering areas of discoloration or defects in the tooth surface or shape.
If you’re a candidate for cosmetic bonding, this technique is the least invasive way to repair defects. Normally this can be done without the reduction of tooth surface and without local anesthetic.
Done in one appointment, your tooth will be thoroughly cleaned to ensure a durable bond. Because an enamel surface delivers the strongest bond, your tooth’s enamel is left intact. After cleaning and etching the area with a weak acid, a tooth-colored material is applied in layers, beginning with a thin liquid bonding agent and progressing to thicker layers of tooth-colored material designed to match the exact shade of your tooth.
In our practice, we prefer cosmetic bonding procedures, when indicated, due to the conservative nature of the procedure. During your evaluation, we’ll determine if these techniques are best for you.